Auto Insurance

Revisiting your auto insurance rates every so often can help put money back in your pocket. You could save up to thousands per year working with an insurance brokerage that advocates for you and shops the best rates from a multitude of carriers to find your best fit.
If you want to protect your vehicle and assets, let’s talk about your coverage options and how they can provide the security you want and need. JMG Insurance Services helps individuals and families across the nation save thousands per year on auto insurance and partners with leading carriers to ensure you and your family are protected on the road.

Primary Types of Auto Coverage


Almost all states require liability coverage at minimum which helps pay for injuries caused to others and their property when you’re at fault.


Comprehensive coverage protects you from a loss caused by something other than a collision, like vandalism, hail, fire, or animals.


Collision coverage takes care of repair or replacement costs for your vehicle if you get into an accident.
Get A Quote

What Factors Affect my Car Insurance Premiums?

Your state/zip code
Your age
Your driving record
Annual mileage
Cost of repairs
Added safety features
Car make and model
Each driver is different, and your policy can be customized to fit your needs at the best rates available.

Car Insurance


Because we work with leading carriers to find the best coverage and cost for our clients’, you may be eligible for various rate reductions offered through the insurer you choose. These discounts can be offered for clean driving records, bundled insurance, and more. We're here to help you choose the best carrier for you and your needs.

We Make Shopping for Auto Insurance a Breeze

Our technology makes shopping insurance a breeze. Provide us with basic information and we’ll provide bindable quotes with minimal effort from you.
Your driver’s license
Vehicle usage
Your home address